Monday, March 28

Luke 24:13-16
Now that same day two of them were going to a village called Emmaus, about seven miles from Jerusalem.  They were talking with each other about everything that had happened.  As they talked and discussed these things with each other, Jesus himself came up and walked along with them; but they were kept from recognizing him.

As the two disciples were walking along the road to the village of Emmaus the resurrected Jesus joined them.  It is interesting to note that even when they thought they were alone in their grief over Jesus’ death that they weren’t alone.  Jesus was with them.  How many times do we think we are alone as we face difficult moments in life?  If we are honest, it happens all the time.  However, the promise is that Jesus will never leave us; he is always with us.

As Jesus walked along with the disciples they didn’t recognize him.  How many times does Jesus walk with us in the difficulties of life but we don’t recognize him or we don’t take the time to recognize him.  We must train ourselves to look for love in our lives which will show us that Jesus is with us.

How can you learn more fully that Jesus is always with you?

How can we intentionally recognize Christ’s presence in our lives?