Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Acts 2:47

Praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people.  And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.


The early church felt a compulsion to take the good news of Jesus into the world and live a witness to him in every area of their lives.  Today, we call that the missional incarnational impulse.  It means that they took Jesus to the people instead of expecting people to come to them in order to hear about Jesus.  The people of the church became Jesus to the world.  They incarnated Jesus for the people they came in contact with.  Because of that desire to live the gospel in all facets of their lives people were touched and they responded and became disciples by believing in Jesus Christ.
Today, most of the time, we expect people to come to us to hear the gospel (by coming to church).  We have lost the concept of the people of the church taking the good news of Jesus into the world as they live a Christian witness wherever they are and through whatever they doing. 
How can we re-capture that impulse to take the good news into the world?
What might happen if a church would catch of hold this idea of taking Jesus to the people instead of expecting them to come to us to find out about Jesus?