Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Acts 4:12
“Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved.”

This statement was made by Peter as he was preaching to the ruling elders of the nation of Israel.  The scripture says that he was filled with the Holy Spirit when he made this statement.  Therefore, Peter was not making a statement that came from human origin.  Peter was making a statement that came from the very mouth of God.
If we believe Jesus to be Lord and that he has no equals and that he is one with God then it is not hard for us to accept the statement that Peter made.  It is only when we hedge on Jesus being the Lord of our lives and the Lord of all creation that we have a problem with Jesus being the only way to salvation. 
We must make a decision: Either Jesus is truly who he said he was and he is Lord of all or he was a false prophet and deserves no one’s love or devotion.
Where have you come down?  Is Jesus Lord or a false prophet?  According to the Bible there is no middle ground.