Wednesday, February 10

John 15-12
“My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you.”

Jesus has asked us to love others in the same way that he has loved us.  That means we must selflessly give of ourselves in love to others.  Why does Jesus want us to show this kind of love to other people?  Here is the main reason: When we love others as Jesus has loved us, especially for those who have yet to receive the love of Jesus into their lives, then that sacrificial love of Jesus becomes real to them. 

However, for us here is the main point: we cannot be obedient to Jesus if we don’t love others with the love of Jesus.  If we want to do that which Jesus wants us to do we have to allow his love to flow through us to others.  It is the only way the world will be won over to accept the life-changing grace of Jesus.

Think how you have lived your life this week.  Can you think of a time when you shared Jesus’ selfless love with someone who does not yet know that love?  If not, how can you start doing that?  Spend some time considering all of these issues.