February 7-13


John 3:16-17, 15:12-13,
John 13:1-5, 12-17
When we think about the process of making disciples we must consider the principle of impartation.  You would be fully within your rights if you asked the question, “What is that?”  It is an element of the process of making disciples.  We need to impart the love of Jesus through our lives into the lives of those who have yet to come to know Jesus. 
The question could be asked, “How do we do that?”  We do that by allowing the Holy Spirit to open our hearts to becoming a channel of Jesus’ love to others.  No, we can never do this out of human effort.  From a human perspective we can never love someone enough to bring them to Jesus.  However, as the complete and sacrificial love of Jesus flows through us and into the life of the person we are trying to reach for Jesus, the love of Jesus can be made real to that person.  So, we must be about imparting the love that Jesus has placed in our hearts to those who need to know the reality of that love.  That is what we will be discussing and investigating this week.