Luke 9:1-6, Luke 10:1-7
The spread of the gospel of Jesus Christ is completely and totally up to those who follow Jesus. What that means is that if those who call themselves Christian aren’t actively sharing and spreading the good news of Jesus then it won’t get done. It is our responsibility.
Why is it our responsibility? We must take the responsibility of sharing the good news of Jesus with others because through the authority of Jesus he has delegated that task to us. Then when new disciples are made the task of passing on the good news is delegated to them as well.
Are we fulfilling the responsibility of passing on Jesus’ message to others? If we are that is great. However, if we aren’t then we should recognize we are falling short of what Jesus expects from us. Our job is to be Christ bearers to the world. This week we are going to focus on the fact we should fulfill this responsibility and how we should get the job done.