Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Acts 15:12

The whole assembly became silent as they listened to Barnabas and Paul telling about the miraculous signs and wonders God had done among the Gentiles through them.


Paul and Barnabas went out into an unbelieving world and they took the gospel to anyone who would listen.  They discipled the Gentiles into faith in Christ.  The Holy Spirit did great things among the Gentiles.

I wonder if we became less concerned with doing church as we know it and became focused on and consumed with going into an unbelieving world to share the Gospel of Christ how many wondrous signs and miracles we would see happening?  Maybe Paul and Barnabas were onto something.  They just lived the life of Jesus among the people and great things started happening.  Maybe we shouldn’t be concerned about doing church and we should just go into the world and be the church.

Have we gotten so connected with the form of the church that we are limiting the power of the Gospel of Christ in our world?  Take time to think on this questions today.