Friday, October 2, 2015

Ephesians 6:22

I am sending him to you for this very purpose, that you may know how we are, and that he may encourage you.

Paul was sending Tychicus to the Ephesian Christians so that he could bring a word of encouragement.  Encouragement is an interesting thing.  Most of us need a lot of it.  However, it can be a hard commodity to find.  Why is that the case?  Unfortunately, most people don’t think first about taking the opportunity to encourage another person.  We are quick to criticize.  There is no end to the suggestions we can give to another person for their improvement.

However, when it comes to encouraging and lifting up another person’s spirits it is not something that we naturally do. Tychicus was sent by Paul to be an encourager.  Today, see yourself as an encourager.

Find three people who you can genuinely affirm and offer encouragement.  When you find them become their encourager.

Pray that God makes you into an encourager and not a discourager.