October 11-17

What is Missional Outreach?

Matthew 28:16-20

New terms, like “missional outreach,” often need to be defined.  The “outreach” portion seems pretty straightforward—we are called to be focused on those not active within the walls of the church building. 

“Missional,” however, seems a bit harder to define.  Jesus calls all of us to a life of discipleship—a 1-on-1 living of life together in order to grow closer to Jesus and to spread the gospel.  This 1-on-1 living is where “missional” begins.

Another potential struggle is the definition of “discipleship.”  The goal of discipleship is not to increase worship service attendance or get someone to say a sinner’s prayer of confession.  Instead, discipleship is about helping people take a step closer to Jesus:
One person at a time
One conversation at a time
One act of love at a time