Thursday, July 14

Matthew 13:30
“’At that time (meaning the harvest time) I will tell the harvesters: First collect the weeds and tie them in bundles to be burned; then gather the wheat and bring it into my barn.’”

The bottom line is this:  God will be the judge of each of our hearts and minds.  God will determine whether we have truly given our lives to Christ.  It is not our job to do the separation.  When the day of judgment comes God will separate the good from the bad.  If we try to do the judging and the separating we will always make a mess of everything.  Judgment must be left to God.  It is not our job to determine the condition of a person’s heart.  It is our job to offer the opportunity of following Christ.  God will judge whether a person accepts that opportunity or not.

Why does God make a better judge than we do?