Genesis 41:55a
“When all Egypt began to feel the famine, the people cried to Pharaoh for food.”
Here is a truth: There will always be a crisis or unexpected emergency that comes up from time to time. There will always be that time when we experience the crunch of less than expected resources. That is exactly what was happening in Egypt. The time of plenty had ended and the famine had spread over the entire country. The people began to be hungry and the people cried out to their leader for food.
Pharaoh told the people to go to Joseph. Why did he do that? Pharaoh told the people to go to Joseph because Joseph had made preparations. Joseph could help the people because he had saved grain for seven years and now there was plenty for everyone during the time of need.
If we save for the unexpected and we begin to experience a lack of resources then we will have something to fall back on. There will be something to live on during the time of need. That is why it is so critical to have a plan for saving.
What would you do if you had a time of unexpected need? What is your plan for saving?