Tuesday, October 11

Genesis 41:49
Joseph stored up huge quantities of grain, like the sand of the sea; it was so much that he stopped keeping records because it was beyond measure.

Once Joseph started putting aside a portion of the grain (he stored away a fifth or 20% of all that was produced) it began to accumulate rapidly.  Over the seven years that he saved up the grain it became so immense that it was immeasurable.  It was such a large amount that Joseph stopped keeping records of how much grain was stored.

That is the miracle of saving.  Joseph only put away 20% of the total and the nation continued to live on the remaining 80% but that 20% grew into such a large amount that it was not possible to even keep track of it.  If we discipline ourselves to just put away a small amount on a regular basis and leave it to accumulate then over time we will have much more than we had ever imagined.

Have you ever tried saving on a regular basis?  Did it surprise you how much you were able to save?  If you have never tried saving how about making the commitment to start saving a little now so you can have more later?