Wednesday, August 3

Matthew 28:20b
“And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

When we consider the call of Jesus to go into the world and share his good news with others it can seem a bit overwhelming and intimidating.  We become fearful.  We begin to ask ourselves whether we can muster up the courage to take the good news of Jesus to others.  Quite frankly, we allow our fear to overcome our good intentions of fulfilling Jesus’ Great Commission.

We forget that we are not asked to take Jesus to the world alone.  Jesus promised that he would be with us as we go forth to fulfill his command.  Jesus is with us when we are connecting with those people who have yet to decide to follow Jesus.  Jesus is with us as we attempt to live our discipleship before them.  Jesus is with us when they ask us questions and we have the opportunity to share our faith story.  Jesus is with us as we disciple them into the faith.  We do not need to be afraid of sharing Jesus with others because we are not alone, Jesus is with us.

When you begin to be afraid to take Jesus to the world remind yourself that Jesus is “with you always, to the very end of the age.”