Matthew 28:16-17
Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go. When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted.
Let’s review the recent events that have happened just prior to the verses we are looking at for today. The disciples had experienced all the amazing events of Palm Sunday and Holy Week. This included the triumphal entry into Jerusalem and the teaching that Jesus did in the temple courts in the early part of the week. Then on Thursday of that week they experienced their final meal with Jesus and he modeled what it is like to be a servant by washing their feet. Then they went to the garden where Jesus prayed and the disciples slept.
In the Garden of Gethsemane the speed of events increased dramatically and Jesus was arrested and put through a hurried-up trial and the disciples out of fear for their own safety retreated into hiding. During this time Peter even denied Jesus a total of three times. Then Jesus was condemned to death and was crucified on a hill outside the city walls of Jerusalem. In despair and fear, the disciples huddled together for the remainder of Friday, Saturday and into Sunday. On Sunday, the first day of the week, the women who had followed Jesus went to the tomb to finish preparing his body for burial. When they arrived the stone closing the tomb had been rolled away and Jesus’ body was not there.
The disciples soon discovered that Jesus had risen from the dead. He appeared to them on the day of resurrection and on several other occasions for the next forty days. This brings us up to the time of the two verses we are looking at for today. Think about this: Jesus was standing before them on the mountain and they had experienced all the events I have just recounted and some
of them still doubted. That’s pretty amazing! They still doubted.
I think that is one of the reasons why we hesitate in getting involved in sharing the message of Christ with others. We allow our doubt to creep into our consciousness and we become
reticent about taking the good news of Jesus to others.
We need to ask Jesus to strengthen us and help us with our unbelief. We cannot allow our doubt to prevent us from
fulfilling the call that Jesus has given us to share his love and
grace with others.
Pray today that Jesus will strengthen you and re-direct the moments of doubt to faith in Jesus life, death and resurrection.