Ephesians 4:19
Having lost all sensitivity, they have given themselves over to sensuality so as to indulge in every kind of impurity, with a continual lust for more.”
Yesterday we looked at some of the results that Paul shared if we failed to change our thinking from a human perspective to a divine perspective. In this verse for today Paul shares some more negative effects that can come from wrong thinking. Yesterday’s verse said that our hearts could be hardened. Todays’ verse says that we could lose all sensitivity. That goes along with what happens when we harden our hears. We lose the ability to be sensitive to the voice of God through the presence of the Holy Spirit.
Then that lack of sensitivity leads us to make choices that satisfy our personal desires. Those choices will lead us to sensuality and sensuality will lead us to choose impurity and lust. This all comes out of an inappropriate frame of mind for a Christian.