Wednesday, December 16

Acts 2:46-47
Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts.  They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people.  And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.

The believers met together and did things together that were a part of the natural rhythms of life.  They went to worship together.  They met their friends and they went to the temple together.  They walked through the streets of the city together and then they worshipped as a group when they arrived at the temple.

They ate together.  They met at each other’s homes and they brought food together and they shared.  As they ate together they talked about their lives, their faith and what it meant to follow Jesus.  They shared high moments and low moments. 

As the disciples lived life together in the normal rhythms of life it developed into such a deep and loving community that other people noticed.  People began to notice that these people who follow Jesus treated one another differently and they shared a deep bond of love.  People were drawn to this Christ-centered fellowship and people gave their lives to Jesus because of how the Christians lived life together.

Do people outside the fellowship of the believers see that we treat one another differently than what goes on in the world?  Does the love that we share as we bond together in Christian community draw people to us?  How does the community we share proclaim the love of Jesus?