Ephesians 4:11
It was he who gave some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists, and some to be pastors and teachers...
The grace that Jesus has given us has been specifically defined. Everyone in the life of the church has a primary ministry role. Those ministry roles are apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastors and teachers. What we need to do is discover what our primary role is and how we function in that role and then we need to fulfill that role so that we can be in ministry to the entire body.
How do we find out about those ministry roles? We have a process at Southport United Methodist Church that is called “Ministry Discovery.” Ministry Discovery is a process by which an individual can find out what their ministry roll is and how they can live out that role in the life of the church. If you would like to know more about this or begin the Ministry Discovery process then contact the church office and ask to talk to our Director of Serve, Sherry Davis, and she can give you what information you need or get you started discovering God’s ministry role for you.
Have you ever wondered what ministry God has for you to do? If you don’t know then get started by participating in the Ministry discovery process.