Monday, December 14

Acts 2:42-43
They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.  Everyone was filled with awe, and many wonders and miraculous signs were done by the apostles.

These verses indicate to us that the disciples (those who had decided to follow Jesus) allowed the apostles to teach them.  What were they learning?  They were learning the stories of Jesus.  They were hearing about his miracles, his teachings and most importantly they were learning how Jesus gave his life so that they could live a new life.  When people learn life-changing truths together and if they take those truths seriously it will help bond them together.  They will develop a sense of community.

When people pray, worship and share the Lord’s Supper together it causes them to be connected to one another.  Why is that the case?  They develop community by doing these things together because they are all sharing together something that is bigger than themselves.  In Christian community we move beyond the superficial and we develop a deep love for one another because we know that Jesus loves us.

Have you bonded with your brothers and sisters in the Lord?  If not, is it because you are not learning and sharing Christian disciplines with your Christian family?  How can you deepen your personal sense of community at Southport United Methodist Church?