Acts 2:44-45
All the believers were together and had everything in common. Selling their possessions and goods, they gave to anyone as he had need.
Community comes from living life together. Too many times in the modern church we just come together for a once-a-week large group meeting that we call worship and we have little opportunity to connect and grow deeper in our relationship with others. The church that is described in the Acts of the Apostles lived a common life. How did they do that? The believers shared everything together. They invested themselves in one another. They were so connected that if anyone had any need everyone was aware and that need was met.
Do we have that kind of community in the church today? Unfortunately, that kind of deep community is rare. However, we do see flashes of that kind of community. When do we see the kind of community that issues forth in believers caring for believers? Most often we see that kind of community when disciples gather in small groups on a regular basis. As they learn and grow together they truly get to know one another and they care for each other’s needs, comfort one another and encourage one another.
Do you have a small group of people where you live out your call to community in the life of the church? If you do, how is community expressed among your group? If you don’t, how can you become a part of a group that meets together and grows together on a regular basis?