John 1:10
He was in the world, and though the world was made through him, the world did not recognize him.
Jesus came to change the world but many people did not recognize that fact. Many people either ignored Jesus or found him to be a colossal inconvenience. The latter is how the Jewish Pharisees reacted to Jesus. They did not want the changes that Jesus brought because they were comfortable with the status quo. They would rather reject Jesus than deal with the changes that Jesus was working in the world and in people’s lives. The change Jesus brought required too much work. They wanted nothing to do with it.
It is not much different today. Many people, including the religious class, really don’t want anything to do with the change associated with Jesus. It upsets their comfortable lives so they reject his change while at the same time saying they love and follow him
Consider this question: Have we really allowed the change of Jesus to enter and transform our lives?