December 4-10


Matthew 1:23, John 11:33-35, Mark 6:34, Matthew 5:14-16, Romans 10:14-15
God created everything, absolutely everything.  Everything that ever has or ever will exist was created by God.  Everything that we can see and everything that we can’t see was created by God.

This same God in the form of Jesus, came to earth as Immanuel which means God With Us.  This week, we are going to look at what that means to have God With Us.  How did Jesus (Immanuel – God With Us) act and what did He do and say?  And how did that make those that knew Jesus 2000 years ago feel?  And how does that make us feel now knowing that God is with us?

And then as important, what should our response be knowing that God sent Jesus into the world to be God with us?  We are sent in the world to reflect God with our community and the world.

As you read this week, be mindful that Jesus was God – the God who created everything – and he is God with YOU!