Philippians 4:12b
I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.
Paul claimed to be content no matter what situation
he faced or how much or how little he had in life. Many of us might say, “Easy for him to say, he
doesn’t have the problems or situations I have to face.” If we investigate the history behind Paul’s
letter to the Philippian Christians we discover that
Paul wrote this letter while in prison. Paul was in prison. He was under constant guard. He only had what his captors and others were willing to provide
for him. Even in that kind of situation Paul claimed complete contentment.
Maybe the way we find contentment for ourselves
is to realize that no matter what we are dealing with
at the present time it could always be worse.
This could help us to be thankful for what we have instead of always focusing on what we don’t have.