Monday, September 7, 2015

Ephesians 5:8-9
For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord.  Live as children of light (for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, righteousness and truth)...

The Apostle Paul says that when we were living in sin that we were darkness.  That’s interesting.  He doesn’t say that we were in the darkness.  Paul says that we were actually a part of the darkness.  That’s a nuance of his teaching that shouldn’t be ignored.  When we live our lives in sin we actually become one with the darkness.

Then Paul says that in Christ we are in the light.  In fact, he describes the light in which we are living as emanating from the Lord.  “You are light in the Lord.”  We are not light because of anything we have done.  We are light because we live our lives in the presence of Jesus Christ.

Since we live in the light of the Lord then Paul instructs us to live as children of the light.  We are to choose to live appropriately and that means to choose to do the deeds that reflect the light of Jesus.  That means we should live in goodness, righteousness and truth.

In your time of reflection take time to think on what it would mean to live in sin and actually be darkness.

How is your life different that you are now living in the light of Jesus?