Monday, September 14, 2015

Ephesians 5:21
Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ.


This verse sets the tone for the entire passage.  Paul tells us that we are to submit to one another.  What he means is that we are to engage in mutual submission.  Two people in a relations ship both submit to one another; keeping the best interests of the other person as their highest priority.  When this happens then both people will have their needs met.

Consider the opposite scenario.  Two people in a relationship are completely focused on themselves.  They focus on what they want, need and desire.  Everything is about getting their needs met.  What usually happens in this kind of situation?  What happens is that neither one gets their needs met and conflict and bitterness reign in that king of relationship.

Paul says that we should submit to one another not just for the sake of the people in the relationship.  He says that we should submit to one another out of reverence for Christ.  As we live in humble submission with other people then we will be living in a way that honors and pleases Jesus.

Ask yourself this question:  What manner of living has characterized most of your relationships:  Humble submission or a focus on self?