Weekly Theme July 21 through July 27

 “But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord.  Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.”
—1 Peter 3:15
A church that heaven applauds is a church that knows what it is about and fulfills that mission with a heart that is focused on Jesus and is filled with passion.  A church that has heart and passion will always be asking this question, “How is what we are doing helping us to fulfill what Jesus is calling us to do and how does what we choose to do bring glory to Jesus?”  Because of the focus that kind of question brings to ministry when that kind of church makes a decision to do something they know why they are doing it, how it fits into their overall mission and then they can put every ounce of their heart and passion in doing it.  A church heaven applauds never gets involved in doing things just to create a lot of activity and keep busy. A church heaven applauds never does things because they have always done things. 

A church heaven applauds does ministry because it helps them achieve their mission and it serves a purpose.  Then when the people of that kind of church are involved in ministry they truly know that what they are doing makes a difference in people’s lives and makes a difference for the Kingdom of God.  That kind of church does ministry with a purpose which involves heart and passion.  The people of this kind of church are invested in doing ministry because they know that it isn’t just activity, it makes a difference.