Weekly Theme April 26 through May 2

Commitment or Casual Relationship?

 “If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters—yes, even their own life—such a person cannot be my
Matthew 14:26

Each of us has found out the hard way what happens when we take another person for granted, or treat our relationship with them casually or display a take it or leave it attitude.  That kind of behavior does not work out well.  No spouse, family member, friend, co-worker, or any other person wants to be treated in that way.  That kind of treatment makes a person feel de-valued and it does not represent a high level of commitment.

The same thing is true with our relationship with Jesus.  Isn’t it amazing how many of us take our relationship with Jesus for granted?  We know that Jesus will always be there. So many times, we act as if we don’t need to acknowledge Jesus until we have a need for him.  We often treat Jesus as a casual acquaintance rather than the most important relationship that we will ever have.

If we are casual about Jesus then it indicates that we might admire Jesus but it isn’t an indication that we have truly decided to follow Jesus.  We must give Jesus full and total commitment not just a casual acknowledgment.