The Mind of the Holy Spirit
-Romans 8:28
As Christians, we must seek to have Christ dwell deep within us. We must harbor Christ in the very heart of who we are. The mind of the Holy Spirit is to accomplish that within each of us. The mind of the Spirit wants Jesus not to just be some entity that we run to whenever we need some help or timely advice or direction. The mind of the Holy Spirit wants Jesus to be formed deep within us so that Jesus lives in us and through us.
Having Christ dwell or live within us can only be accomplished by the power of the Holy Spirit. It is not something that we can accomplish out of our own will. In order to have Jesus dwell and live within us, we must surrender to the will of the Holy Spirit to accomplish that in us. The mind and desire of the Holy Spirit is that Christ be formed in you.
Starting this week, we will look at how the Holy Spirit works in the life of a believer. This is just a biblical overview of the ways that our lives are changed by the Holy Spirit.