Sharing Our Faith Story through Service
“Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet. I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you.” John 13:14 and 15
Last week we talked about how important it was that we know our faith story and that we be willing to share that story with others who have not made a faith decision for Jesus Christ. The problem most of us have is finding a natural and effective means to share our faith stories.
We should all agree that it is not the best practice to walk up to a total stranger and ask them if they know Christ, and then immediately launch into your story of coming to Christ, and then insist that the person we are talking to needs to make a decision to follow Christ right now.
It is probably more harmful to engage in that manner of sharing our faith story than to not share at all. One of the most effective and authentic ways to share our faith stories is to serve people, work beside them and do what we can to lovingly help to meet their needs. When we do this we have the credibility to share our own experience and when we begin to put into words our experience with Christ it isn’t just words, through our service we have lived out our faith, and the individual with whom we are talking will know we are speaking with authenticity and they will give us an honest hearing.
This week we are going to explore the possibility of using service as a means to establish a platform to share our personal faith story.