United with Christ
But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far away have been brought near through the blood of Christ
Ephesians 2:13
Alienation is something that probably all of us have experienced in some way. Maybe we have a strained relationship with a family member. Maybe connections with a co-worker have become difficult. Maybe there has been a falling out with a cherished friend. Alienation can happen with anyone at any time and the only answer is to allow the relationship to remain broken or to initiate some process of reconciliations.
Through sin, humanity has been alienated from God. Our alienation for God is unique because we can do nothing, from a human perspective, to repair the broken relationship. We are helpless in restoring our relationship with God.
God is a loving and merciful God and he wants to be in relationship with each and every one of us. To that end God has taken the initiative and made a way by which we can be reconciled with God. Through Jesus Christ taking the penalty for our sin in his death on the cross he provided for the forgiveness of our sin and opened the way for us to be reconciled to God the Father. As we are united with Christ we are reconciled with the Father.
This week we are going to explore the wonderful spiritual truths of what has happened for us through the reconciliation provided through Jesus Christ.