Even When You Don’t Understand...Jesus Loves You
(Philippians 1:27a)
For this sermon series, we have been looking at Paul’s letter to the church in Philippi. This letter allows us a great window to see the relationship between this early Christian
community and Paul. Through this opportunity we can see not only the growth of the Christian community in Philippi but use their experience to speak to our own spiritual growth.
Last week we learned that Paul is still unsure about his fate and he is preparing the church in Philippi for the news that he may die soon. With this news we learned that Paul wants the
gospel to continue by sharing that the gospel is bigger than all of us. Because of this Paul calls us to be citizens of the gospel and live out our lives in spite of how others view us as a witness to the gospel.
This week we will look to Paul and hear warnings about false teachers and things that can tempt us on our journey of faith. This is meant to be a specific message to the people of
Philippi in Paul’s time, but the message still rings true today. We need to continue to look to God to show us the way and not rely on the teachers of the world or seek to find our own way. And as we learned last week Paul will reiterate that the gospel is so much bigger than all of us.