A Friend for the Journey
“The Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone, I will make a helper suitable for him.”
-Genesis 2:18
It is a truth that we all need friends. We particularly need friends where the relationship goes deeper than having an occasional cup of coffee or seeing a movie together. We need spiritual friends. Spiritual friends are soul mates who share our spiritual longings and help us to become the best person we can be.
It is just not possible to walk the Christian journey alone. We need people in our lives who share our faith. We need people who are willing to listen to us when the journey is hard, and we wonder if we can go on. We need people who can love us and help us turn to the love and strength of God. We need people who care for us enough to be willing to take the risk and confront us and hold us accountable. We need people who can rejoice with us when we have that spiritual breakthrough where the reality of Jesus becomes even clearer.
Our independent society tells us we can make it on our own. We don’t need anything or anyone except a desire to succeed and a willingness to work hard. No matter how much we want to believe it no person is sufficient unto themselves. We all need companions. Spiritual friendships feed our souls, and when our souls are nourished and calm and strong, we tend to handle the rest of our lives with less friction and chaos.