Teaches Us
-John 14:26
Teaching is very important to our spiritual development as well. When it comes to spiritual development, all the knowledge and information that we need doesn’t just automatically flow into our consciousness the moment we accept Christ, become a disciple, and start following him. It is a teaching process.
How does that teaching process take place in our spiritual development? That process is different for every disciple because we all are unique and learn in different ways.
However, when it comes to spiritual growth there is a common element in the teaching and learning process. That common element is the presence of the teaching and enlightening of the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit teaches us. The Holy Spirit teaches us through other people. The Holy Spirit teaches us through the wisdom of the Bible. The Holy Spirit teaches us through history and through the lives of disciples who have lived before us. The Holy Spirit teaches us through the action and belief structure of the church. The Holy Spirit teaches us in many different ways but here is an indisputable fact for all Christians: The Holy Spirit teaches us.