A Place to Use Your Gifts
“Do not neglect your gift, which was given you through prophecy when the body of elders laid their hands on you. Be diligent in these matters; give yourself wholly to them, so that everyone may see your progress.”
-1 Timothy 4:14-15
How many of you have ever tried something and it just was not for you? Or how many of you have admired the gifts and talents of another person thinking I wish I had that kind of
talent? We all have it. It is a normal feeling. We cannot all be great at everything. And the truth is God made us that way. We are all one of a kind. After God made you, He broke the mold. There is no one else in this world exactly like you. Even identical twins are not identical. They have their own personalities, gifts, and talents. We are all special orders: no two are alike.
So it is quite understandable that the church, God’s special instrument in this world, works with the diversity of His creation. In fact, the church operates not in spite of our differences but because of them. The church, the gathered followers of Christ, is given its strength through the fact that we all bring our unique gifts and talents to the church.